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Product Designer


1 Content Designer,
2 product Designers,


Department of Communities and Justice, Office of Secretary

Optimising search and mobile usability to make businesses more accessible for voucher programs



The project was originally funded by the Department of Communities and Justice and aimed to improve businesses' online presence in New South Wales, particularly in response to changes in customer behaviour due to COVID-19, as people increasingly engaged in online activities.

Original Scope

Initially, the goal was to create a scalable map product using a new framework for the Seniors Card digital map, as the existing map was scheduled to be sunset within a few months. This new map aimed to ensure that senior citizens could easily find and utilise available discounts. However, as the project progressed, the focus and objectives evolved.

Initial problem to solve

How might we better represent online businesses on the Seniors Card digital map so that customers don’t miss out on available discounts?

My Responsibilities

Workshop facilitation

Led ideation sessions with key stakeholders to collaboratively identify and prioritize features for testing. Utilized an impact vs. effort matrix to ensure that the most valuable features were included in the testing phase.

Developing Concept Lo-Fi Prototypes

Created and wireframed multiple variations of Low fidelity prototypes to be tested with users.

User Testing and Synthesis

 Created moderator guide, Recruited suitable participants, and facilitated user testing sessions. Synthesised the findings into actionable insights, which were then presented to various stakeholders to inform the next steps.


As the project objectives shifted in the later stages, I identified relevant insights from earlier phases and adapted them to align with the new goals, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in meeting user needs.

Ideation workshop

Crazy 6 map inperson.png

To generate ideas, we adapted the Crazy 8s method into "Silly 6s" for larger groups, followed by an impact vs effort matrix to prioritise features for testing. We developed several concepts, focusing on comparing list views, 3x3 card layouts, and keyword search designs.

Crazy 6_map.png

Concept testing


This research asked customers to evaluate and provide feedback on concepts, content and high-level usability when searching for both online and in-store discounts and deals using the Seniors Card digital map.

  • Conducted five 45-minute 1:1 interviews with seniors card holders.

  • Tested 2 scenarios and 1 out-of-the-box concept.

Key learning goals
  • Search, Sort, and Filter Preferences: Understand how users prefer to search, sort, and apply filters to manage the content they see next.

  • Valued Business Details: Identify which business details users consider most important.

  • UI Layout Preferences: Explore users' mental models regarding the layout of UI elements, specifically comparing vertical layouts versus a 3x3 grid layout.

key findings

This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention. Let them know how they can learn more about the business and take advantage of its products or services.

Encourage exploration

Users preferred having search input fields as optional tools, not mandatory barriers, especially for online businesses. So they can start browsing without having a specific business in mind (Similar to Google search prompt).

Proximity matters

Sorting results by distance, with the closest businesses appearing first, was a key priority for users planning their trips.

Seamless experience

The ‘Get directions’ feature was a must-have, helping users seamlessly transition to other Map App so they can plan their routes easily.

What value the most

Customers would like to Sort by Discount (ascending and descending) - however this can only be achieved if we change the way we collect data during the registration process to ensure consistency across discounts.

Concept evaluation

✅ Vertical list view

Users favored this concept for both In-person and Online businesses for its seamless continuity in the card list, allowing them to easily access and compare discounts, thereby saving both time and effort.

 ❌ Tile view for online businesses

A cluttered 3x3 tile design on the results page overwhelmed users, detracting from their experience. Also, there will be too much back- and-forth clicks with show details button.
 ❌ Progressive disclosure

Customers preferred to see their search filters and options completely visible when they are performing a search so that they can be in full control of their experience and have their expectations managed.

Problem Statement

HMW create a more accurate representation of what it's like to work at SNSW Digital, by showcasing what it is we do and how we do it, so that we can attract (and retain) skilled practitioners to SNSW digital services.


Contextual Observation
Generative Workshops
Affinity Diagramming
User Journey Map
Usability Testing w/ Think Aloud Protocol

Challenges and New Direction

Halfway through the project, we were unable to secure continued funding from the Department of Communities and Justice, which led to a shift in focus toward the new Active and Creative Kids program. This change required a swift pivot from online experiences to in-store experiences, pushing us to rethink our entire solution. In addition, with the original team disbanded, I was left as the sole designer.

Unveiling new opportunities

Faced with tight deadlines, I quickly identified the key differences and challenges by looking into existing feedback and Google Analytics data, then distilled these insights into new solutions that aligned with the objectives of the Active and Creative Kids voucher program, ensuring we stayed on track despite the shift in direction.

Mobile-first experience

Our target audience expanded from senior citizens to families. Other than the age group variation, there was a significant difference in device usage too: the old voucher map for Dine and Discover, Stay NSW, and Back to School had approximately 70% mobile users, compared to only 50% for the Seniors Card discount map. This insight marked the need to prioritise mobile users needs.


The new design needed to ensure scalability and flexibility to support the migration of first lap voucher programs to this new map and encourage seamless exploration between different programs.

Filtering preferences

Filering by percentage of discount isn't applicable in the voucher space. we need to quickly find relevant options based on their needs and interests within the new programs.

The solution

Use this area to highlight recent blog posts, showcase standout projects, or to feature particular items and services that will make an impression on website visitors. Change the title and text to your own content, or replace with a different element.

Making businesses easier to find on mobile
  • To enhance discoverability, businesses are shown in a list by default, functioning as a directory. So users can start exploring without having a location or business in mind.

  • Given that most visitors access the site via mobile devices, screen size limitations make it challenging to display both a location list and a map simultaneously. To address this, I designed a sticky bar at the top, enabling users to focus on one task at a time by easily switching between map and list view.

  • The "Direction" button allows users to connect effortlessly with third-party navigation tools, making on-the-go planning a breeze.

solution 1 mobile.png
Fluidity between programs

A program tab enables users to seamlessly discover businesses across different programs, helping customers who have already participated in one voucher program to learn about others. This approach not only enhances user experience but also increases conversion rates by boosting visibility of additional programs. 

The original idea was to include different programs as a multi-selector box within the search criteria, but we brought it up on top of the visual hiearchy to make it more prominent. By doing this, we also reduced the search boxes from 3 to 2 to make it less intemidating to use.

Filtering what matters
  • Activity-Based Filtering: With the focus shifting towards Active and creative kids program, users prioritised filtering by activity type rather than discount percentage. We introduced an activity filter with the most popular results showing on top, balancing it with policy constraints that prevented an online-only category.

  • Sort results by distance is another high-value feature that revealed from user testing, families could now plan their activities based on proximity, making their lives easier and their outings more efficient.


See the live site here

map beforevsafter.jpg

As the old First Lap program was integrated into the voucher finder map in late January 2024, the daily redemption numbers increased 50% in February. This surge occurred because First Lap businesses are now included in the map, and some Active and Creative Kids users have been converted to First Lap users after discovering the program in the finder

Voucher redemption increased 50% 
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 12.13.04 AM.png

Previously, the old map's mobile usage rates dropped from 86% for Dine & Discover to 68% for Stay vouchers due to an unfriendly mobile experience. With the new enhancements implemented, mobile usage rebounded to 82%, demonstrating the effectiveness of the improvements.

Mobile usage increased 14%
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 7.08.25 PM.png

After the launch of the voucher finder in late January, which made businesses more accessible, there was a spike in site views, peaking at 3,000 visitors per day before returning to normal levels. Unfortunately, since Google Analytics was implemented after the launch, data from before February 1st is unavailable.

Finder usage boosted
Screenshot 2024-08-26 at 12.33.18 AM.png

key results

UI Design @ Dijgtal
Design System @ Dijgtal

View other work

key learnings

This is a space to promote the business, its products or its services. Use this opportunity to help site visitors become more familiar with the business and its offerings. Reach out to current and potential clients and customers to build a sense of connection and trust. Explain what makes the business unique. Identify the qualities that set it apart from its competitors and describe them, staying true to the brand's authentic voice. Add engaging details to catch readers' interest and hold their attention. Let them know how they can learn more about the business and take advantage of its products or services.

Design for the context

Knowing your customers through contextual data is important. In this project, we focused on device type, but contextual data can also include when users engage with your product, where they use it, and other relevant scenarios. Understanding these contexts helps tailor the experience to fit user needs, enhancing usability and satisfaction.

Always Be Prepared for Changes

Being adaptive to change means identifying key differences that can open up new opportunities. Reusing past research insights ensures that previous efforts are not lost but are repurposed to align with new goals, driving progress even when directions shift.

Reduce the friction to learn related products 

Making multiple voucher programs visible within the finder encouraged users to explore and participate in additional programs, demonstrating the value of cross-promotion in driving conversions.

Evaluate concepts

Lo-fi designs are powerful tools for rapidly validating ideas and concepts, especially those that are unconventional or out-of-the-box, without heavy investment of time and resources. 

The Concepts 


List view

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.


3x3 view

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.

progressive disclosure

Use this space to promote the business, its products or its services.

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